Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Proximate vs. Ultimate Causation

Define proximate and ultimate causation with regards to biology.

With proximate and ultimate causation, the behavior in which it has to do with can be the same. For example, with Bower Birds, female Bower Birds choose their mate based on which male Bower Bird has the best bower, and by their experience shown in their mating dance.
Having to do with ultimate causation, this choice is made through the female bird’s sexual selection, which means that they want to choose the male that is more impressive and attractive. So, this is the choice that the female bird makes due to her experiences and who she thinks will be a better mate. Ultimate causation has to do with natural selection, because she wants to be successful at reproducing with the males that seem to be most successful with reproducing.

With proximate causation, the female Bower Bird chooses the mate that gives her a more intense signal with the bower and the mating dance. This leads to the hormone levels in the female to increase towards the male that she is most impressed with. Proximate causation has to do with these birds’ genes and biology.

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